Category: Career
7. Don’t Compare Yourself To Anyone Else
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else Even after you’ve worked your tail off to prepare as best you can to make…
6. Cultivate Your Fundamental Skills
Cultivate your fundamental skills Most singers suffer through theory and aural skills in college. A few superstars excel at one…
5. Love Singing Enough To Do It Every Day
You must love what you do enough to do it every day We often underestimate the importance of this concept…
4. Make Sure Your Teacher Or Coach Is A Good Fit
Make sure your teacher or coach is a good fit Just because you pay someone for a lesson or coaching,…
3. Develop Multiple Streams of Revenue
Develop Multiple Streams of Revenue Every successful musician I know, regardless of the instrument, has applied the principle of developing…
2. There Is Always A Way To Do What You Want To Do
There is always a way to do what you want to do This is the second of the Suggestions for…
1. Suggestions for Success
As we explore some ideas for surviving the world of singing, here are a few ideas that that have helped…