Survival Gear-4

It's Getting Hot In Here

Humidity is our friend, especially when you're singing in a dry climate. You can always turnoff the shower in the hotel or dressing room, but sometimes it helps to have some more direct contact. If you're a fan of steaming before a show, this is a great portable option. The face mask portion on top is easily flattened or misshapen while in luggage, but usually returns to the. normal shape if not left for too long. This compact version has served me well, but I have not tried some of the even smaller options, and I'm a steam only person as opposed to a cold water humidifier. (Click heading or image for link to purchase-Paid Link)

I have saddle bags

I don't know about you all, but I really struggle with a good bag to take on gigs. Often I have a decent briefcase, but it's not sturdy enough to withstand domestic and international travel and often can't hold a great deal. This well-made bag is not only sturdy but holds more than any bag I've ever owned. It comes in black and brown, and can be converted into a backpack as well. I used to spend about $100 dollars a year on a briefcase that would also break every year. This one comes in at $200, but has lated me 3 times as long as any other bag I've owned.(Click heading or image for link to purchase-Paid Link)

Bottle it all up

Every singer needs at least 8 water bottles. Just kidding, but kind of not kidding, we usually have quite a few floating around. There are the light weight portable bottles, those that are easy to travel with, and then there are the Hydro Flasks. I was such a skeptic at first. It's just a water bottle for crying out loud. I was wrong. Anyone who finds cool water renews your will to live, or needs that hot herbal tea to stay hot, will find this an absolutely necessary addition to your survival gear. I've had mine now for a couple of years, and use it every single day without fail. Well made, sturdy, and of course vacuum sealed. Get one. You won't regret it. (Click heading or image for link to purchase-Paid Link)

Nighty Night

This pillow case protects against dust, bed bugs and their waste, and all kinds of other things. They are durable, have a zipper encasement, and are easy to take on the road. They will help anyone suffering from allergies to rest easy in a new place. Not all pillow protectors are created equally, so don't skimp on these if you do suffer from the kinds of allergens these block out. There are certainly many options out there. Tell us which one you like and why!(Click heading or image for link to purchase-Paid Link)

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