Posted in Career Vocal Health

How can I tell if I have Allergies or a Cold?

You feel that scratchy tickle in the back of your throat and know that something is off…great… Is it a…

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Posted in Career Vocal Health

What is the quickest way to get your voice back after a cold?

You’re sick…great.  You also have an audition next week…fantastic… What do you do to get better as quickly as possible? …

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Posted in Career Vocal Health

Fun with Phlegm

Ask yourself the following questions: -Do I have days where my voice just isn’t working, but I”m almost positive I’m…

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Posted in Career Teaching Vocal Diagnostics Vocal Health

Would you like “Frys” with that?

What is the Vocal Fry? Is it bad? Is it good? Or is it just a weird sound you can…

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Posted in Teaching Vocal Diagnostics Vocal Health

Finding Repertoire

Finding the right repertoire is a huge part of finding success as a singer.  In the early stages of vocal…

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Posted in Career Vocal Health


Where to begin…we’ve all heard it hundreds of times, hydrate!  So, how much water do you need to drink? Can the…

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