How can I tell if I have Allergies or a Cold?

You feel that scratchy tickle in the back of your throat and know that something is off…great…

Is it a cold? Allergies? Something else? How do you know and does it even matter? 

The short answer is yes, it does, because the treatments can be different depending on what you are dealing with. 

Here’s a diagram showing many of the symptoms in common and some of the differences between allergies and a cold. 

So how do you treat them differently? 

Ideas for treating a cold:

  • Take Zicam immediately at onset of symptoms.
  • Drink as many fluids as possible and if you take vitamins, make sure you don’t miss a day. 
  • Sleep as much as possible
  • Drink extra fluids
  • Take Ibuprofen as needed 
  • If the cold does take hold and you can’t get rid of it early with Zicam, use Mucinex to deal with the excess phlegm.

For Allergies:

  • Take nasal sprays like Flonase to get ahead of the post-nasal drip. Start with 1 spray in each nostril at night.  If that doesn’t cut it, increase to 2, and of course consult with your doctor if you have questions or concerns. 
  • Take an allergy pill without a decongestant, (usually notated “D” on the packaging.)
  • Avoid things that dry you out too much like Mucinex or the allergy meds like Claritin or Benadryl. Typically,  Allegra, Singulair and Zyrtec are the most singer friendly.
  • Shower right before bed for seasonal allergies. 
  • Use pillow case covers for dust allergies. 

Things you can do to treat both a cold and Allergies:

  • Nasal rinse up to twice a day
  • Use small doses of Apple Cider Vinegar to clear or thin mucus with less-severe drying effects than Mucinex.
  • Do some cardio exercise to help relieve pressure and clear excess mucus
  • Steam or humidify to help clear of excess phlegm with the least amount of agitation to vocal cords.

Hydration will always be the best thing you can do other than getting rest.  

One of the most important things to remember is if it hurts to sing, don’t’ do it.  Find a way to clear the mucus off more without coughing or clearing the throat loudly, then try again.  If it’s not clearing, usually it’s best to not sing on it, or take an extra long time to warm up before you do.  

Good luck!